Dear Thanksgiving Family,

In the name of our Lord who has triumphed over death and is risen, shalom!

We are currently navigating through uncertain times due to the virus and I am especially grateful for your continued offering of love and thanksgiving toward our Lord during this difficult season. As the head pastor, my heart goes out to those who are adversely affected whether in finances, occupations, businesses, our children’s schooling, and otherwise. The pastors at TKC are praying for you during a set time every single day. I hope the existence of a ministry team that intercedes on your behalf and the presence of our God who listens to and answers those prayers gives you comfort and strength.

It’s already been a month since we’ve started worshipping together online. I imagine many of us are settling in and getting used to this new lifestyle by now. We are experiencing an event with no historical precedence. This will undoubtedly throw us off our axis as it did to me in the beginning. As a pastor who regularly prepares sermons and worship service for a physical setting the online landscape is all too unfamiliar. Initially I questioned myself thinking, “Can this truly substitute an in- person worship service? Does it have the ability to deliver a comparable blessing?” But now I know such concerns were all for nothing.

I was informed by many of our congregants that they were blessed in their hearts and touched into tears during our very first online service. Conversely, now I look forward to online services with great expectation. God has given the hope in my heart that this season will be the catalyst for the restoration of worship in our families and abundant filling of the Holy Spirit. I am now even more determined to research and prepare ministry to better serve you. The very thought of our church members in their homes longing for the time of worship has brought much joyful anticipation to my heart as well. Beloved church, these times will certainly bring about anxiety in our hearts. So it is my hope that we get through this together focusing and unified in worship, prayer, and word.

Noah and his family were stranded on the seas for 40 weeks. Their worries of regarding an uncertain future would have been immense. But it is only after enduring that time in faith that they were able to enjoy the blessings and the provision of God to start anew in a new land with renewed faith. Like Noah’s family, I trust God will open for us the opportunities to renewed faith and blessings. Until then, know that we are victorious in Christ and as we joyfully wait to see each other again. The Lord is with us. The Lord is our victory!

I miss you greatly Thanksgiving Family.

I love you and God bless you.

Pastor Koo